But after defeating a certain amount of enemies, descending a number of floors, and visiting special locations within the dunj, your Love level will max out with your equipped weapon, which signifies they are ready to go on another date with you. Well, that’s not entirely true- one is a cat. See, the weapons you wield while in the dunj are actually human/weapon hybrids. The dunj end in boss battles and have many hidden features, as well as loot boxes filled with recipes for either equipment or gifts for your weapons. You will take on hordes of enemies embodying the fears of your playable character, which result in quirky designs such as bat-like VHS tapes, tottering cocktail glasses, and more. You have a dodge roll mapped to the B button, and your quick healing and zine attack- a magic spell that can be crafted and equipped- are mapped to both the L/ZL and R/ZR buttons, respectively. The combos for these two attack types are short and end in “finishers,” which can often possess special effects.

In fairly standard action RPG fare, you have both a light and heavy attack mapped to Y and X, the first of which you can chain into the second. When in dungeons- cheekily referred to as “dunj” by the hip characters of Verona Beach- you will have a weapon equipped that largely alters your playstyle. These two gameplay styles are fairly straightforward to explain, so we’ll start with the former. While the two genres couldn’t be more different, the actions you take while dungeon-diving directly factor into how your relationships progress. And once you have played it, you will never be the same.īoyfriend Dungeon is a roguelite dungeon crawler blended with a visual novel dating simulator. The only game you wait your entire life to play is Boyfriend Dungeon. When I said, just two sentences ago, that there are “some games you wait your entire life to play,” I lied. Some games that awaken a primal urge within you, a sign that, despite your greatest efforts to control yourself, you cannot help but be… horny. There are some games you wait your entire life to play.